viernes, 14 de junio de 2019

Edd love edit it ?

Hi you little reader today the topic of this wonderful post are: subjects that has caught my attention during my year as filming student.

So, it's easy to me choose one of my class and name it like "my favorite subject", because I love do this think even before get in the university. Can you imagine what is it? of course Edit \e-e/ well in Spanish is "Montaje" but I cant find a correct translation for this, maybe mounting or production? I don't know.

I love the filing of take piece of videos, unite them and made something new, basically the mounting is shaping the movie. The are a really good effect tho explain this, and is called "Efecto kuleshov" it say for example, if you put a foreground of poker face man and after you put the foreground of a plate of food, in your mind the filing of the actor was " oh, he is hungry" but now if you put the same foreground of the man and after a shot where we can watch a grave, the filing changes and now you probably think "oh, he is paid, poor guy".

It's something amazing and I really hope can work editing movies, or music videos, or wherever, because this made me really happy. 
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