jueves, 27 de junio de 2019

What kind of club it this ?

Hello, everyone! This is the last blog of this wonderful English journey.

And the topic of this is my favorite TV show or film - awesome, because, you know  I study Filmmaker so..., it's should be my domain, °¬° the answer of  the question: What your Favorite Film? would be so profound or artistic. When answer this question many of my classmates, talk about french film or Italian Films many of these even I didn't know.

Well, well, the name of my favorite movie was "The breakfast club" one 80's classic movie, it talk the story of five guys in detention one Saturday for different things (John Bender, Claire Standish, Brian Johnson, Andrew Clark and Allison Reynolds). I like it because its a very good story and the Director has the ability of placed it in only one school; its library and its hallways.

My favorite character is John Bender, the bully, the cool bad guy but sensible (deep inside) and My favorite scene is wen the five character talk about their problems in the library after smoking weed. Its a very strong scene, deal with the topic of teenage problems and their worldview

Resultado de imagen para el club del desayuno

viernes, 14 de junio de 2019

Edd love edit it ?

Hi you little reader today the topic of this wonderful post are: subjects that has caught my attention during my year as filming student.

So, it's easy to me choose one of my class and name it like "my favorite subject", because I love do this think even before get in the university. Can you imagine what is it? of course Edit \e-e/ well in Spanish is "Montaje" but I cant find a correct translation for this, maybe mounting or production? I don't know.

I love the filing of take piece of videos, unite them and made something new, basically the mounting is shaping the movie. The are a really good effect tho explain this, and is called "Efecto kuleshov" it say for example, if you put a foreground of poker face man and after you put the foreground of a plate of food, in your mind the filing of the actor was " oh, he is hungry" but now if you put the same foreground of the man and after a shot where we can watch a grave, the filing changes and now you probably think "oh, he is paid, poor guy".

It's something amazing and I really hope can work editing movies, or music videos, or wherever, because this made me really happy. 
Imagen relacionada

viernes, 7 de junio de 2019

Good Vibe

   Hi every person ho read this Blog :p

Today the topic of our conversation (or it would better to say, my monologue) is the awesome world of internet and his different websites, but one in particular to help me in my program and, as you know (if you reed my blog) I study filming in Universidad de Chile. So the Question is, What website is useful for me?, well maybe Netflix will be a really good media to find movies and learn about this, but this website isn't free, and well, the money is not a easy resource for a filmmaker (and less for a student) so, the really good website for me is "Onda Media" the "Chilean Netflix"

Onda media is a free website where we can find a lot of Chilean movies and documentary. The give you eight "ticket" once a moth and you can use them for view eight movies respectively, is a really good website because they have the information of awards, cast and director and also you can leave a comet in the movie for everyone who didn't know if see it or no.

The website is really pretty, easy to use and help all Chilean filmmaker to grow up in the world of Films. You only need a email to register and have a lot of fun with all this Chilean material

Resultado de imagen para onda media